Thursday, May 7, 2015

8 Ways to Rock the Airport!

            Have you ever been behind that person at the airport security? I think we all know whom I am referring to. There is always that one person with a dozen layers of clothing on, taking precious moments out of your day; all because they decided to pack everything in their carry-on… except the kitchen sink. Here are some simple ways for you to avoid being that person and to make travelling a little more stress free.
  1. Pack all your travel-sized liquids in a clear compact case, easily accessible to take out at security. You can even pick out some cute colors at your local Target! 
  2. Download your airline’s designated iPhone/Android app to help you through the airport paperless! Never lose another boarding pass by being prepared and checked-in prior to going to the airport.
  3. Winky Designs Recyclable Belts: The most A+ accessory since our belts are 100% plastic (yes, even the buckle!). We highly encourage you to strut through the metal detectors with style and without the TSA nagging you to take off your belt. 
  4. BYO(W)B: Bring your own WATER bottle! Never pay $5 for bottled water at the airport again! Fill your own water bottle after security! Many airports are now equipped with fun water-bottle stations that fill up in an instant. Gotta stay hydrated on that plane!
  5. Baby Wipes: Quick shower isn’t an option? Try this stress free option to give you that fresh feeling after a long flight without the hassle of locating Niagara Falls to wash off the gross.
  6. Winky Designs Wraps of Life Scarf: these bad boys are so large they double up as blankets as well for chilly A/C on the plane! Colorful and versatile for all climates, these scarves will be practical from Alaska to Hawaii! With a variety of fashionable ways to tie them, you can wear them anywhere between an infinity scarf to a beach sarong!
  7. Bring a fold-able and light duffle bag in your carry-on! With all those souvenirs you’ll encounter, you never know when you will need to bust out that extra bag for that extra something-something.
  8. Always pack an extra set of clothes and your toothbrush in your carry-on luggage in case your checked-in luggage gets lost! You don’t want fuzzy teeth, now do you?

Remember, moving the airport has now become an art form and it’s something that can be perfected. All these tips and tricks might be simple, but they can definitely impact a trip from stressful to stress-free

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